Godot Version
I am struggling to figure out how to have a viewport just show the current game screen just in a smaller version using viewports., this is in 2D
I see creating this exact thing is incredibly easy in 3D, as per the tutorials I see. I have yet to come across a 2D tutorial that explains the process well or really at all.
If anyone has a link to a good tutorial I can learn from or any advice, that would spectacular.
I am looking for the exact same thing for a 2D game. I’m on Godot 4.3, and what’s so easy to achieve in 3D with a hierarchy of SubViewportContainer → SubViewPort → Camera3D, it’s not working at all in 2D.
It seems that there is a fundamental difference between 2d and 3d when it comes to how that Camera under the Viewport behaves. For 3D, it actually “sees” what the main (current) camera of the scene sees. So that you can have an actual “render to texture” result that you can then display in the SubViewportContaner.
But that’s not the case for 2d, where the inner Camera2d sees only the nodes under the SubViewport.
I What @KingGD pasted is not helpful for 2d, because it won’t work. I wonder if there is some way to actually make this work also in 2d.
Did you find a solution to this? It’s driving me crazy, I just need it to render what the 2D camera is focusing on.
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Did you put the subviewport into a subviewport container? I had the same issues until I did that.