Godot Version
Godot 4.3
I am very new to Godot and coding in general. Ive got an 8-way movement system and I’ve tried multiple ways to add animations but I can’t figure it out, I’ve watch multiple videos and tried chat gpt but gotten no results.
extends CharacterBody2D
@export var speed = 150
func get_input():
var input_direction = Input.get_vector(“left”, “right”, “up”, “down”)
velocity = input_direction * speed
func _physics_process(delta):
any help to add the animations would be great!
is of type Vector2
and holds information about which direction your character is moving in. There are two such directions: x
and y
. If x
is zero, the character is standing still in the x direction (i.e. moving neither right nor left.) If x
is positive, the character moves right. If x
is negative, the character is moving left. It’s similar for the y
All put together, the character can be in one of nine movement states (if we include standing still as a state.) You could use something like a match
statement to figure out which one applies, given input_direction
as input:
match input_direction:
case Vector2(0, 0):
# standing still
case Vector2(-1, 0):
# moving left
# et cetera
Add an AnimationPlayer node as a child to your character scene, add some animations, and give each animation a name. For instance, character_idle
. You can then change the animation from each of the match statement’s cases:
match input_direction:
case Vector2(0, 0):
case Vector2(-1, 0):
# et cetera
edited to add: you probably don’t want to use _physics_process
to process button input. _process
is probably a better place for that. (_physics_process
depends on your physics ticks; _process
is called once per frame.)
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Look into AnimationTree with BlendSpace2D (I think it’s called)