Godot Version
godot 4.3
Hello , I have been working on my tic tac toe game and I have ran into an issue, So basically, Whenever I play (I am "X") and I go for my first turn, it works fine. But as soon as "O" (THE AI) goes it plays twice but then works fine the rest of the game. Here is a video I provided to show exactly what is happening...
And here are some scripts that may help with this process
AISimpleTicTacToe.gd (The scene with the AI Tic Tac toe game)
extends Control
const Cell = preload("res://Scenes/cell.tscn")
@export var tween_intensity: float
@export var tween_duration: float
@export_enum("Human", "AI") var play_with : String = "Human"
# Game variables
var current_player: String = "X" # Player is always X
var board: Array = []
var cells: Array = []
var ai_difficulty: String = "Hard"
var stats: Dictionary = load_stats()
var is_game_end: bool = false
var focusable_cells: Array = []
var current_focus_index: int = 0
@onready var x_playing_label = $XIsPlaying
@onready var o_playing_label = $OIsPlaying
@onready var home: Button = $HomeButton
@onready var rematch: Button = $SimpleRematchButton34
@onready var aihomepage: Button = $AIHomePageButton
@onready var cells_container = $Cells
func _ready():
if has_node("CanvasLayer/Control/FPS_COUNTER_AISimpleTicTacToe"):
$CanvasLayer/Control/FPS_COUNTER_AISimpleTicTacToe.visible = FpsManager.fps_enabled
match Global.ai_difficulty:
"Easy": ai_difficulty = "Easy"
"Medium": ai_difficulty = "Medium"
"Hard": ai_difficulty = "Hard"
var button7_click_player: AudioStreamPlayer = $Button7ClickPlayer
button7_click_player.stream = load("res://Sounds/click.ogg")
func setup_game():
board = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
for cell in cells:
if is_instance_valid(cell):
for i in range(9):
var cell = Cell.instantiate()
cell.main = self
func check_match():
for h in range(3):
if cells[0+3*h].cell_value == "X" and cells[1+3*h].cell_value == "X" and cells[2+3*h].cell_value == "X":
return ["X", 1+3*h, 2+3*h, 3+3*h]
if cells[0+3*h].cell_value == "O" and cells[1+3*h].cell_value == "O" and cells[2+3*h].cell_value == "O":
return ["O", 1+3*h, 2+3*h, 3+3*h]
for v in range(3):
if cells[0+v].cell_value == "X" and cells[3+v].cell_value == "X" and cells[6+v].cell_value == "X":
return ["X", 1+v, 4+v, 7+v]
if cells[0+v].cell_value == "O" and cells[3+v].cell_value == "O" and cells[6+v].cell_value == "O":
return ["O", 1+v, 4+v, 7+v]
if cells[0].cell_value == "X" and cells[4].cell_value == "X" and cells[8].cell_value == "X":
return ["X", 1, 5, 9]
if cells[0].cell_value == "O" and cells[4].cell_value == "O" and cells[8].cell_value == "O":
return ["O", 1, 5, 9]
if cells[2].cell_value == "X" and cells[4].cell_value == "X" and cells[6].cell_value == "X":
return ["X", 3, 5, 7]
if cells[2].cell_value == "O" and cells[4].cell_value == "O" and cells[6].cell_value == "O":
return ["O", 3, 5, 7]
var full = true
for cell in cells:
if cell.cell_value == "":
full = false
if full:
return ["Draw", 0, 0, 0]
return null
func start_win_animation(match_result: Array):
var color = Color.BLUE if match_result[0] == "X" else Color.RED
for c in range(3):
func _on_cell_updated(cell: Button):
if is_game_end:
var index = cells.find(cell)
if index == -1 or board[index] != "":
# Player's move (X)
make_move(index, "X")
if check_game_end():
# AI's turn (O)
await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout # Small delay before AI moves
func check_game_end() -> bool:
var match_result = check_match()
if match_result is Array and match_result.size() > 0:
is_game_end = true
if match_result[0] != "Draw":
return true
return false
func set_initial_focus():
if not focusable_cells.is_empty():
current_focus_index = 0
func _input(_event):
if is_game_end:
# Allow button navigation when the game has ended
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
change_focus(0, 1) # Move focus down
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
change_focus(0, -1) # Move focus up
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
if focusable_cells[current_focus_index].has_focus():
elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"): # Check for cancel action
_on_home_pressed() # Call the back button function
# Allow navigation within the Tic Tac Toe board
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right"):
change_focus(1, 0)
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
change_focus(-1, 0)
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
change_focus(0, 1)
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
change_focus(0, -1)
elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
if focusable_cells[current_focus_index].has_focus():
func change_focus(dx: int, dy: int):
var grid_size = 3 # 3x3 grid
var position_in_grid = current_focus_index % (grid_size * grid_size)
var row = position_in_grid / grid_size
var col = position_in_grid % grid_size
row += dy
col += dx
if row < 0:
row = 2
elif row > 2:
row = 0
if col < 0:
col = 2
elif col > 2:
col = 0
var new_index = (row * grid_size) + col
if new_index >= cells.size():
new_index = clamp(new_index, 0, focusable_cells.size() - 1)
if new_index != current_focus_index:
current_focus_index = new_index
func _process(_delta: float):
func start_tween(object: Object, property: String, final_val: Variant, duration: float):
var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property(object, property, final_val, duration)
func button_hovered(button: Button):
button.pivot_offset = button.size / 2
if button.is_hovered():
start_tween(button, "scale", Vector2.ONE * tween_intensity, tween_duration)
start_tween(button, "scale", Vector2.ONE, tween_duration)
func _connect_button(button: Button, handler: String):
if button and !button.is_connected("pressed", Callable(self, handler)):
button.connect("pressed", Callable(self, handler))
print(button.name + " not found or already connected.")
func load_stats() -> Dictionary:
var file_path = "user://Stats.cfg"
if not FileAccess.file_exists(file_path):
print("Stats file does not exist. Initializing with default values.")
return {
"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Won": 0,
"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Lost": 0,
"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won": 0,
"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost": 0,
"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won": 0,
"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Won": 0,
"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost": 0,
"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Lost": 0
var file = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.READ)
if file:
var local_stats = {} # Renamed the local variable
while not file.eof_reached():
var line = file.get_line().strip_edges()
var parts = line.split("=")
if parts.size() == 2:
local_stats[parts[0]] = int(parts[1]) # Convert the value to an int
return local_stats # Return the renamed variable
print("Failed to open file for reading.")
return {}
func update_stats(is_win: bool, player: String):
print("Updating stats - is_win:", is_win, "player:", player) # Debugging output
# Ensure the necessary keys are present in the stats dictionary
if not stats.has("Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"):
stats["Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"] = 0
if not stats.has("Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"):
stats["Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"] = 0
# Update stats based on win/loss and player
if player == "X":
if is_win:
stats["Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"] += 1
elif player == "O":
if is_win:
stats["Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"] += 1
func reset_game():
is_game_end = false
board = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
for cell in cells:
cell.cell_value = ""
cell.text = ""
cell.self_modulate = Color.WHITE
cell.disabled = false
# AI turn logic
func ai_turn():
if is_game_end:
var move_index: int
match ai_difficulty:
move_index = get_easy_move()
move_index = get_medium_move()
move_index = get_hard_move()
if move_index != -1:
make_move(move_index, "O")
func get_easy_move() -> int:
var empty_cells = []
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == "":
return empty_cells[randi() % empty_cells.size()] if !empty_cells.is_empty() else -1
func get_medium_move() -> int:
# Try to block player win first
var blocking_move = find_winning_move("X")
if blocking_move != -1:
return blocking_move
return get_easy_move()
func get_hard_move() -> int:
# Try to win first
var winning_move = find_winning_move("O")
if winning_move != -1:
return winning_move
# Try to block player
var blocking_move = find_winning_move("X")
if blocking_move != -1:
return blocking_move
# Take center if available
if board[4] == "":
return 4
return get_easy_move()
func find_winning_move(player: String) -> int:
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == "":
board[i] = player
if check_match() != null:
board[i] = ""
return i
board[i] = ""
return -1
func get_ai_move() -> int:
# Example AI logic: choose a random empty cell
var empty_cells = []
for i in range(board.size()):
if board[i] == "":
if empty_cells.size() > 0:
return empty_cells[randi() % empty_cells.size()]
return -1 # Return -1 if no valid moves are available
# AI turn for Hard mode
func easy_ai_turn():
# Pick a random empty cell
var empty_cells = []
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == "":
if not empty_cells.is_empty():
var random_index = randi() % empty_cells.size()
make_move(empty_cells[random_index], "O")
func medium_ai_turn():
# Attempt to block the player if they are about to win
if not block_player("X"): # Try to block "X"
easy_ai_turn() # Otherwise, pick randomly
func block_player(player: String) -> bool:
# Block the opponent if they are about to win
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == "":
board[i] = player
if check_match() != null: # Check if this move wins for the opponent
make_move(i, "O") # Block the player
board[i] = "" # Reset the board slot
return true
board[i] = "" # Reset the board slot
return false
func hard_ai_turn():
# Try to win first
if try_to_win("O"): # If AI can win, do it
# Block the player if they are about to win
if block_player("X"): # Try to block "X"
# If no immediate threats or wins, pick randomly
func try_to_win(player: String) -> bool:
# Attempt to win if there's an opportunity
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == "":
board[i] = player
if check_match() != null: # Check if this move wins for the AI
make_move(i, "O") # Make the winning move
board[i] = "" # Reset the board slot (not needed here but keeps consistency)
return true
board[i] = "" # Reset the board slot
return false
func make_move(index: int, player: String):
board[index] = player
if player == "X":
x_playing_label.visible = false
o_playing_label.visible = true
x_playing_label.visible = true
o_playing_label.visible = false
func complete_turn():
# Check for win/tie after each turn
var match_result = check_match()
if match_result is Array: # First, check if match_result is a valid array
is_game_end = true
if match_result.size() >= 1: # Ensure the array has at least one element
var result_type = match_result[0] # Safely access the first element
if result_type != "Draw":
# Block player if they are one move away from winning
func block_player_if_winning() -> bool:
for i in range(board.size()):
if board[i] == "":
board[i] = "X" # Pretend to be the player
if check_for_win():
board[i] = "O" # Block the player
cells[i].draw_o() # Use draw_o() instead of setting text
current_player = "X" # Switch back to player X
return true
board[i] = "" # Reset the board slot
return false
# Choose a random available spot for AI's turn
func choose_random_spot():
var empty_indices = []
for i in range(board.size()):
if board[i] == "":
if empty_indices.size() > 0:
var random_index = empty_indices[randi() % empty_indices.size()]
board[random_index] = "O" # AI makes a move
cells[random_index].draw_o() # Use draw_o() instead of setting text
# Check for win condition
if check_for_win():
return # End the function here
# Switch back to player X
current_player = "X"
# Show winner popup (updated to show SimpleRematchButton34)
func show_winner_popup(winner: String):
if winner == "Draw":
$WinnerLabel.text = "It's a Draw!"
$WinnerLabel.text = winner + " wins!"
if winner == "X":
update_stats(true, "X")
update_stats(false, "O")
elif winner == "O":
update_stats(false, "X")
update_stats(true, "O")
x_playing_label.visible = false
o_playing_label.visible = false
# Set focus to the rematch button
func save_stats(new_stats: Dictionary) -> void:
var file_path = "user://Stats.cfg"
var file = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.WRITE)
if file:
for key in new_stats.keys():
var line = key + "=" + str(new_stats[key]) # Create the line for each key-value pair
file.store_line(line) # Store the line in the file
print("Failed to open file for writing.")
# Disables all buttons after the game ends
func disable_all_buttons():
for cell in cells:
cell.disabled = true
# Checks for win conditions
func check_for_win() -> bool:
var win_conditions = [
[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], # Rows
[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], # Columns
[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6] # Diagonals
for condition in win_conditions:
if board[condition[0]] == current_player and board[condition[1]] == current_player and board[condition[2]] == current_player:
return true
return false
# Called when the AI Home Page button is pressed, directs to UI.tscn
func _on_aihomepagebutton_pressed() -> void:
await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
func _on_simplerematchbutton34_pressed():
await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
func _on_home_pressed():
await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
func check_for_tie() -> bool:
return "" not in board
func _on_restart_button_pressed() -> void:
func randomize_starting_player():
# Always start with "X"
current_player = "X"
x_playing_label.visible = true
o_playing_label.visible = false
Here is the SceneTree of AISimpleTicTacToe.tscn
Let me know if you need anymore scripts or SceneTree’s , any help would be very much appreciated, Thank you so much!