AnimationPlayer only plays on original node. Duplicated nodes break but animation is played on original node

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.2



script to a breaking platform for a 2D platform game.
Player has Area2D for detection of the platform.

The AnimationPlayer is a child (in the scene of) BreakingPlatform
Only the original node is able to play the animation and queue_free properly. While other nodes (duplicated of the original node) does not play the animation (the original nodes plays it instead), it does queue_free properly (after the original node finish its animation)

I think the problem is you dublicate AnimationPlayer but dont know what it mean in Godot and how resources work.
For example you have node tree like

-- Platform(StaticBody2D)
-- AnimationPlayer()

Then you animate Platform in AnimationPlayer, you create Track, select Platform and create frames

Then you select PlatformAndAnimation and press Ctrl+D
you got another

-- Platform(StaticBody2D)
-- AnimationPlayer()

But if you look inside dublicated AnimationPlayer it hold same Track and animate first Platform.

For avoid this you must create standalone scene with Platform and AnimationPlayer and instantiate as many as you need into your game level by pressing chain icon for example

Thanks for the suggestion. However, it still has the same problem.