Anyone Know how to get the name of something you are CURRENTLY colliding with

Godot Version

var body = left.get_overlapping_bodies().name


`Im trying to get the name of something im currently colliding with and the line of code im using to get this info keeps crashing the game HELP

I am not sure, but I think the function you are calling is giving you an array, not a single object. You need to pick out from the array which object you want the name from.

Ohhhhh that makes sense

I’m new so I don’t use those types of functions.

Usually I use the built in signals and then reference what they detect like this:


I hope this helps, sorry if that’s not what you were asking.

You could also use node groups, Check if the thing you are colliding with has a group and then you can do whatever based on that

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Ok that could work