Godot Version
` Hi all, I am new to game development and GDScript is my introduction to code as well. Because of that, I am building an Asteroids-like game to get a grasp of the basics. For this I am following the instructions of this tutorial on YouTube, which is pretty good.
However, I would like to try something extra, which is making an asteroid disappear and spawn two smaller asteroids when a player collides with it. I wanted to use a similar method as with the laser in the tutorial. Instead of using the _on_area_entered trigger, I am working with the _on_body_entered trigger for the player.
The problem is that the signal does not seem to be connected properly and I am at a loss at what I am doing wrong. The debugger gives me the following warning:
Missing connected method ‘_on_area_entered’ for signal ‘area_entered’ from node ‘Asteroid’ to node ‘Asteroid’.
This is de code I am using in the Asteroid script:
class_name Asteroid extends Area2D
signal exploded(pos, size)
func explode():
emit_signal("exploded", global_position, size)
func _on_body_entered(body):
if body is Player:
This is the related code in the game scene’s script:
extends Node2D
@onready var asteroids = $Asteroids
var asteroid_scene = preload("res://Scenes/asteroid.tscn")
func _ready():
for asteroid in asteroids.get_children():
asteroid.connect("exploded", _on_asteroid_exploded)
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
func _on_asteroid_exploded(pos, size):
for i in range(2):
match size:
spawn_asteroid(pos, Asteroid.asteroidsize.medium)
spawn_asteroid(pos, Asteroid.asteroidsize.small)
func spawn_asteroid(pos, size):
var a = asteroid_scene.instantiate()
a.global_position = pos
a.size = size
a.connect("exploded", _on_asteroid_exploded)
asteroids.call_deferred("add_child", a)
As it stands, the asteroid does disappear when a player collides with it. It does not create two smaller asteroids in its place.
I have been looking for solutions online, but I can’t seem to find any answers that really solve this specific issue.
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?