Godot Version
I have an array of labels. Is it possible to use the has()
function to determine if there is a label matching a particular text? Or will I have to use a different type like a dictionary.
I have an array of labels. Is it possible to use the has()
function to determine if there is a label matching a particular text? Or will I have to use a different type like a dictionary.
The has() function used to determine the child of a node not text, you can use loop and if statement for it.
var matched_label:Label = label_array.filter(func(l:Label):return l.text == "text I am looking for")
If you mean an array such as nodes with labels, yes it will work
var lbl:Array=[$TextureRect/Label, $Label2, $Button2]
if lbl.has($TextureRect/Label):
Also this will work win has()
and in
var lbl:Array=["abc","xyz",1,2]
if lbl.has("xyz"):
if 1 in lbl:
Thanks everyone for the help. I ended up just using the filter function to narrow it down to the one label Iām interested in.