Best way to create a car and controls?

Godot Version



Hi all,

I started to create a car with Godot’s vehiclebody but when searching for some tutorials there are lots of people that say “Use raycast”??

I use Godot 4.3 and most of tutorials is for version 3.5 so my question, is the vehiclebody from Godot still better not to use or now much better?

I tries some configs and have to say I have some trouble with the Mass when steering but I think that is not that bad as what I read.

If you want to create normal cars then you can use Godot`s built-in vehicle body. But it is not so advanced, so if you want, you can create your own vehicle body for better or realistic car physics using rigid body and raycasts. It is mentioned in the docs I can remember, so you can also read the Vehicle Body docs of Godot.

Thanks for the answer . For what I need vehivlebody is good enough indeed.

I only want good camera behind the car, that is a different part what is also difficult. I now use a camera pivot with 3d camera but hard to find out what is the best script to use then.

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There are many scripts on it, you can download them. Like the official truck town demo that shows how to use a vehicle body 3d (including camera)

Thanks… i see that example of you indeed has a nice camera script :slight_smile:

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