Best way to organise AnimationTree?

Godot Version



i’ve got an AnimationTree wiþ quite a lot of different animations in it, and wiþ maintainability in mind, i was wondering what þe best way to organise it would be. currently i’ve got a few AnimationNodeStateMachines to group animations into, but it is quite a hassle to enter and exit þese whenever i need to access a certain animation. to counteract þis, i’ve tried to use AnimationNodeStateMachines of type Grouped, but þis has given mixed results (þere are a few issues i have encountered such as an assigned animation not playing when þe tree is travelling þrough an AnimationNodeAnimation, see AnimationTree travelling to an AnimationNodeAnimation but not playing assigned animation). þis whole ordeal has made me question if þis really is þe best way to organise an AnimationTree, are þere any standards or smart implementations available?

I dont know how many english speakers are familiar with þe letter, þ.

I am, and I mourn it leaving the english alphabet.

You may want to use þe common digraph “th” in its place to increase accesibility to your post.

I apologize for having no answer for your question and only weighing in on alphabet matters.

i did try þat on þe discord, yet no one answered. clearly þe lack of þorn was þe cause, seeing as i have gotten an infinitely higher ratio of answers wiþ it

If you got good answers on þe discord, post þem here for posterity’s sake.

I don’t use .traverse manually, every animation node I use is set to automatic and I control conditions or parameters through code, but not traversal directly.

i was insinuating þat you are þe first person to reply to me, which in fact was due to my use of þorn; it seems þat using þorn is beneficial

i’ll try þis, would it þen maybe be unnecessary to use AnimationNodeStateMachines of type Grouped or would it still be beneficial in some way?

I never used the Grouped type for sub-statemachines.

Depends on what game you are making, I would default to automatic traversal, use manual where you find applicable.

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