Biome generation

I want to make a map that’s procedraly generated but I have 6 biomes
Wasteland is a custom one

I want the 5 biomes of similair big size with one per map with water streaming in the middle
I tried to do this with noise but I couldn’t after twerking the values
I can do the water with noise
But how can I make the biomes while them being diverse in shape and not huge squares

Can you show some examples of the results you were able to get?

Can you share relevant settings / code?

	for x in width:
		for y in height:
			var pos = Vector2(x,y)
			var noise = HeightNoiseMap.get_noise_2d(pos.x,pos.y)
			var read = 2 * abs(noise)
			if read <= 0.5:
				if read <= 0.2:
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the results are s bunch of lines and one huge plain of green

i want it to generate 9 biomes to fill up a 600 x 400 space
and want them to look diverse and random each time

i tried to adjust the values but couldnt acheive

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Hmm…I’ll take a look later when I have a minute.

A quick tip though, you can format the text as code to make it look good. Just enclose it in triple backquotes. Or use the little gear icon and select “preformatted text”

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I found an algorithm called lazy flood fill, the result is what I want but the problem is that sometimes spaces are left empty. I’ll try to make the algorithm and fix the empty problem but for now just say I haven’t done anything

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You can take example here :

Map generation can be pretty difficult and if you want a smooth transition it can be hard. I use a map generation based on biome for my game but transition are abrupt.
You can just place 6 random point on you map as biome center then create your biome as a Voronoï diagram. You set every tile as the closest biome center. It create convex polygon and don’t look squared. If you want your biome to have approximately the same size, cut your space in 9 rectangle and generate your biome center randomly in each rectangle.

Here a good ressource :

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I’ll try and see

Ill try and see👍

Here are the results added water on top using noise, the results are nice but is there a way to make it more diverse and flooded ( extra detail )

You can add another layer of noise to the position of each tile for biome selection, it will create some dithering

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