Godot 4.3 (Latest)
Hi everyone, I’m having serious problems with the physics of my game! I have square gift-shaped textures and when they stack up they bug out weirdly, and I’d like to know why, it is just a Sprite2D with CollisionShape2D and a RigidBody2D.
There’s a video here uploaded
Btw, they aren’t even suppose to stack up, would anyone have an idea how I could go on about making them disappear when they touch the ground (a sprite2D, then there’s a StaticBody2D and a World boundary CollisionShape2D.
They should disappear when touching the houses’chimney (Parallaxes with Sprite2Ds) but I think I’ll make another topic for that when I need that.
For the present stacking on top of each other, you could either disable their collision completely, or change their collision mask/layer, so that they don’t detect collisions with other presents.
For the presents disappearing upon touching the ground. The most simple way I can think of doing this, is by adding an Area2D on the ground to detect the presents, and then delete them.
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Hi! Thanks for your response but the problem is not gifts stacking, the problem is the weird way their sprites glitch out (it’s a square sprite basically and, like shown in the video attached, the pixels move weirdly, with entire lines of the
Btw I made some grammar corrections to make the problem more clear on the post too!
Thanks to you I noticed what was wrong!