Calling function issue

Godot Version

v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793f5]


Hi, I’m developing a plugin and I’ve come across a strange problem:
My plugin adds a control to the bottom panel for settings, this control is the scene that loads the settings, receives the changes and finally saves them. I decided not to create a separate button for saving, so whenever the user changes any of the settings a function called save_changes is called (and I connected the signals of each option to this function).

The problem starts here, I have all types of nodes, including CheckBox, OptionButton & SpinBox but the OptionButtons are not sending any signals for some unknown reason, I tried printing a meaningless message to the console and I found that the OptionButton buttons are not sending any signals to this function, am I missing something?

Any help would be appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

You may wish to show code how you connect the signal.

Also are you using this signal item_selected(index: int)

@wyattbiker I use the user interface (Node > Signal) to connect them, and I connected the same signal.

  • Edit: Also I’m sure it’s connected, because I’ve also connected other buttons to the same function and they work, on the other hand, there are three OptionButtons I have in the list of nodes connected to the function, that’s what confused me!

You can try it this way:
Create a control scene and add an OptionButton to it, add a script to the control and put the @tool at the beginning and the following code at the end:

func save_changes() -> void:
    print("save called!")

Select the OptionButton node and connect its item_selected signal to the save_changes, now add the scene to the menu using add_control_to_bottom_panel and see the bug, but if you try the normal buttons or checkboxes or spin boxes you will see that it works just fine.

You may need to add the index parameters to the signature of function save_changes.

E g save_changes(i: int)

I did this, but it only made the OptionButtons work, so I decided to create a helper function that takes the index and calls the main function regardless of the index, and I connected the option buttons to it.
Apparently the only problem was that the parameter sent from the signal was not received in the function, but I still have a question why the signal should be completely disconnected from a function that does not accept its parameters, is this a bug?

It is not a bug, and a warning/error should be logged when trying to do so. With type declarations it raises a hard question “How would the function handle being passed less arguments than required?” if you recommend passing null then a type error is raised anyways. And detecting this argument count (before the error) can be expensive, on every connection in a connection-heavy engine. Failing to connect is sadly the best option.

You can unbind(count: int) a function to drop arguments that would be passed.

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