Camera Shaking Violently Glitch

Godot Version



Hi, I am very new to Godot (downloaded it 1 hour ago), and am trying to set up a basic player with tank controls. I’ve been partially (but not completely) following this tutorial, and have just attached the camera to the player object. However, when I press play, the camera shakes violently when tracking the player. Why does this happen, and how do I fix it?

If you watch video you linked, there even will be answer. I’ll give you timecode 19:05.

If you are talking about multiplying by delta time, that had no effect on the camera’s vibrating.

It must have effect, if not - you did something else wrong, but using delta is fundamental thing

Delta does change the movement, but the movement isn’t the issue. The camera shaking happens even without any movement, even if I delete the whole line of code altogether.

Show nodes from Scene tab with camera, player, etc.

No problems and can’t reproduce shaking except you not set StaticBody PhysicsMaterial override with Bounce

It hard to see may be you put player in collision, but it must be pushed away a single physics frame, try to up it

Hard to tell what’s going on here. But just make sure your player and/or camera isn’t inside any of the other objects in the scene. Also, watch the tutorial all the way through and the answer might get addressed. You’ll work it out eventually, but, honestly, don’t bang your head against a brick wall trying to fix everything. You can always follow the rest of the tutorial and come back to it later when you have more knowledge and experience. Games have bugs, even AAA ones do, we do what we can to fix them, but ONLY having a camera shake in your very first game is pretty impressive and honestly just part of the journey. One of my first games in Unity crashed your computer when you paused it for too long - so you are doing fine!

You might also want to put a comment on the youtube video or check the links they have given in the video description to find others who have done that tutorial already and see if they have the same issue.

I would also suggest starting with a 2D game rather than a 3D one when you are starting out - it’s one less dimension to worry about and one (million?) less thing to go wrong. If you can’t fix the camera issue, then my suggested viewing is this: Brackeys is basically the lord of game engine video tutorials and one of the best people to learn the basics from, imho.

Good luck! Hopefully you can work it out and will learn a lot along the way. Stick with it!

I’ve tried messing with the StaticBody PhysicsMaterial, but the issue still persists. The player also starts in the air, so it doesn’t start inside another object.

There is only the player and the ground in the scene, and the player starts in the air, so it’s not in another object. The shaking only starts once the player lands on the ground. Looking through the rest of the tutorial didn’t help either, neither did the comments.

I’m hesitant to sink a lot of time into making a 2D game just to learn the engine, as I only really want to use Godot to make something in 3D. I have a lot of experience with 2D games using GameMaker, so it’s not like I’m learning programming from scratch. I will check out Brackeys, though, as the tutorial looks good and clearly what I’m doing right now isn’t working lmao

I was able to figure out that it was something to do with the collision shape, as following the tutorial or using a cylinder didn’t work, but using a box, sphere, or anything else did. Don’t know why cylinders don’t work though…