Camera2D Reset_Smoothing() not functioning with Physics Interpolation

Godot Version

Godot Engine v4.3.stable.mono.official.77dcf97d8


Hello! I’ve been making a 2D platformer with frequent movement between scenes. whenever instantly moving the player, I used Camera2D.reset_smoothing() after moving the player, and this worked perfectly.

I recently started using Physics Interpolation to help with jittering, but after enabling it, the camera would no longer reset it’s smoothing, instead smoothly flying from it’s base location to the player.

I was wondering if this was a problem that others have had, as I couldn’t find a clear answer on the forums.

Here is the full Code for my teleportation function:

position = GlobalVars.PlayerGoto
camera.position = GlobalVars.PlayerGoto
GlobalVars.PlayerGoto = Vector2(0,0)

Possibly helpful info:
The camera is a child of the player node (CharacterBody2D)
this script is on the player node (CharacterBody2D)
Physics Jitter Fix is set to 0 in the project settings
Camera Position Smoothing is enabled, and the speed is 3 px/s

Thank you!