Cannot call EmitSignal()

Hi! I’m using Godot 4.3 with C# and I’ve run into this confusing error.

I am trying to create custom signals for my game, but I simply cannot emit them using EmitSignal(). Compiler just gives an error that EmitSignal() does not exist.
Code below:

using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public partial class AttackAction : Action
    List<Damage> Damages = new();

    public delegate void AttackHitEventHandler(int damage,bool allied);

    public void Attack()
        int CombinedDamage = 0;
        foreach (var damage in Damages)
            CombinedDamage += damage.Execute();
        EmitSignal(SignalName.AttackHit, CombinedDamage, Damages[0].Source.Ally == Damages[0].Target.Ally);

I thought it might be missing some import, but every example in official 4.3 docimentation uses it just like that. Any ideas how to fix this?

Well, solved it myself, but I’ll keep this topic up for any unfortunate soul to find. The issue is caused by class (in my case, parent class) being inhereted from Object and not from Node. And EmitSignal() method is provided by Node base class.