Can't change scene in exported build

Godot Version

Godot 4.3.stable


Hi! So in my project, I have a scene loader script which works COMPLETELY fine in the editor:

extends Node

var loading: bool
var load_status
var loading_progress: Array
var curPath: String

func load_scene(path: String):
	if not FileAccess.file_exists("res://scenes/" + path + ".tscn"): 
	curPath = path
	loading = true
	ResourceLoader.load_threaded_request("res://scenes/" + curPath + ".tscn")

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	if loading:
		load_status = ResourceLoader.load_threaded_get_status("res://scenes/" + curPath + ".tscn", loading_progress)
		if load_status == ResourceLoader.THREAD_LOAD_LOADED:
			var scene := ResourceLoader.load_threaded_get("res://scenes/" + curPath + ".tscn")
			loading = false

The problem is, when exporting, any scene I try to change to just doesn’t work at all? From what I’m getting at, the scene file just doesn’t exist because the if not FileAccess.file_exists("res://scenes/" + path + ".tscn"): check returns true.
I’ve tried setting the export settings to:

  • Export all resources in the project
  • Export selected resources (and dependencies)
  • Export selected scenes (and dependencies)

and none of those worked. When checking the .pck file, I DO see mentions of the scenes I’m trying to change to, so idk.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Edit: I forgot to mention the scene loader script is a global autoload script but idk if that information’s helpful at all with this lol

Same issue, 4.4 beta. It loads the scenes if I copy itin the folder where the .project is.
It loads my main menu, and nothing works after that, as it would need to load things.