Can't get my player to drop a weapon into the scene without issues

Godot Version



I’m working on getting weapon dropping and picking up working in my game but i ran into this issue, i know what the problem is but i cant seem to figure out a proper solution basically when we put this code: get_tree().current_scene.add_child(self) after this code: self.get_parent().remove_child(self) it causes the game to crash when we drop because it doesnt know what scene to join after leaving the player, but if i put the first code before the second code, it works but it cant place the object in the world because the sword is still attached to the player node, whats a way we can get this to work properly, heres the full script for the dropping of the weapon

Function to drop the sword

func drop_weapon():
if !is_dropped:

	 # Ensure the sword is not inside the tree before dropping
	if self.is_inside_tree():
		self.get_parent().remove_child(self)  # Remove sword from player
		self.set_owner(null)  # Unset the owner of the sword
self.global_position = player.global_position + Vector3(0, -1, -2)  # Drop position (e.g., a little below the player)
self.is_dropped = true  # Mark the sword as dropped
rigid_body.visible = true  # Make the RigidBody3D visible when dropped
rigid_body.freeze_mode = RigidBody3D.FREEZE_MODE_STATIC  # Allow physics to affect the sword now
rigid_body.set_physics_process(true)  # Enable physics processing to let the sword fall

	 # Debugging: Print the position to ensure it’s correctly placed below the player
print("Sword dropped at position: ", self.global_position)
	# Disable the 2D sprite
animated_sprite_2d.visible = false

figured it out, along with some other lines of code i added, i also noticed upon posting this thread that there was an exclamation point before Is_dropped: i mustve confused it for someting else not sure but the thread really bolded that glaring issue, thank you anyways!

use reparent() on sword,
and combination with