Can't instantiate a child node more than once at the same time

Godot Version

v4.2.2.stable.official [15073afe3]


extends Node2D

@onready var gangster = preload("res://gangster.tscn")

var enemy_alive = 0
var current_wave = 1
var enemies_per_wave = 3

func _ready():
	spawn_wave() #initial wave

func _on_player_health_depleted():
	#%GameOver.visible = true
	get_tree().paused = true
	print("Game Over")

func are_enemies_remaining():
	enemy_alive = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("enemies").size()

func spawn_enemy():
	print("enemy spawned")
	var new_enemy = gangster.instantiate()

func spawn_wave():
	for i in range(current_wave * enemies_per_wave):

func wave_system():
	if enemy_alive == 0:
		current_wave += 1

func _on_timer_timeout():

Hello. i’m trying to spawn multiple enemies at the same time for a wave system for a game im working on, but only one enemy spawns at one time.

When the game starts, only 1 enemy gets spawned instead of 3, even though the spawn_enemy function does get run 3 times (the output console prints out “enemy spawned” 3 times).

How can i fix this? Thanks.

Is it possible that all enemies spawn at the same location, and overlap one another all the time?

Yep, that’s it haha.
Thank you

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