Can't manually create triangles in BlendSpace2D

Godot Version



Before I discovered it in Godot, I had no idea blending animations was even possible. But as amazing as it is, I won’t be able to use it unless I can make some adjustments. There is a button you can press for manual blend triangle creation; however, whenever I press it, Godot just automatically regenerates the same triangles I had before. Is there some kind of setting I have enabled that prevents manual blend triangles? (Could this have to do with Forward+?)

Without being able to manually create the triangles the only way I can change their layout is by deleting all my animations from the blendspace and putting them back in a different order; however, this still only gives me a couple of asymmetrical options for triangle configurations I’m missing out on the best options.

(I made a Reddit post on the topic just before Christmas, but my timing may have prevented me from getting any responses.)