Godot Version
I am currently working on a game where I have a hexagonal TileMapLayer where the tile layout is “Stairs Right” and the tile offset axis is horizontal. I have a function named set_up_hex_board()
which places some tiles as well as possibly placing some game pieces. The size of the board is determined by a board
func set_up_hex_board(add_checkers: bool = true):
#the loop is set up to go from purple to blue to pink but in the atlas it goes pink purple blue
var tile_color_indexes: Array[int] = [1,2,0]
#Iterates through each of the three colors
for i in range(3):
#Uses the array defined earlier to get the column of the atlas that the color belongs to
var tile_color_index: int = tile_color_indexes[i]
#Iterate through columns
for j in range(board_size):
#Iterate through horizontal-ish diagonals
for k in range(board_size):
#Coords of the cell that we are on
var coords := Vector2i(-1-(i%2)+j*2-k,-2+min(i,1)-j+k*2)
#Index of the diagonal from top left to bottom right
var diagonal_number := (3*k) + i
#Total number of diagonals on the board
var diagonal_count := 3*board_size
#Function that adds a tile at coords, it figures out whether it should create a tile with special data indicating it is at the end of the board
#Potentially create a game piece if they are being created
if add_checkers:
The function set_tile_as_king_or_regular
just places a tile of the right color and places a visually identical variant of the tile if the diagonal is at the end of the board.
func set_tile_as_king_or_regular(coords: Vector2i, diagonal_number: int, diagonal_count: int, tile_color_index: int):
#Place a tile at the coords, determining whether or not to use a varient based on if it is a king diagonal (A diagonal at the end of the board)
if (diagonal_number == 0) or (diagonal_number == (diagonal_count) - 1):
#Sets the cell with the appropriate tile
#Uses a variant with is_king_diagonal as true so pieces can easily know it is a king diagonal
#Sets the cell with the appropriate tile
The results look something like this:
I am wondering if there is a way to position the camera so that the contents of the tilemaplayer are centered.