Godot Version
I am making a game where my 2d charachter follow my mouse and according to it, it is rotating the gun around himself. And when player point the mouse to its back i change the scale so it turns back. However, in game sometimes when it changes x scale it also changes y scale. How can i fix it?
Here is my code:
func gun_controller():
var mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position()
var gun_position = $Bob/Gun.global_position
var distance_vector = mouse_position - gun_position
if (distance_vector.angle() >= PI/2 or distance_vector.angle() <= -PI/2):
if(scale_changed == false):
$Bob.scale = Vector2(-1,1)
scale_changed = true
$Bob/Gun.rotation = PI - distance_vector.angle()
$Bob.scale = Vector2(1,1)
scale_changed = false
$Bob/Gun.rotation = distance_vector.angle()