Godot Version 4.3
I’ve had this issue a few times now. When my character collides with a surface it sticks to it until I let up almost all key binds. I am using Rigidbodies and moving with apply_central_force.
In more detail, if I was moving in a box and I hit the back wall, I could not stay against that wall and still move, at all. No Gravity, no left or right. I’m stuck there until I let go of everything or come back away from it with keybinds. I don’t know if this is a normal issue with the physics process or if this is an issue with apply_central_force system… it feels like the character gets embedded in the objects…
This is especially problematic given that I have invisible colliders keeping the player in a set zone and the player just gets stuck on the walls of it…
On a side note, I also phase through colliders if I move fast enough… I guess that could be a separate bug post later…