Godot Version
I’m new to godot and updating this Asteroid tutorial to add AI to the ship so that it navigates by itself:
As part of this, I want to add a CollisionShape2D that will tracks where the asteroid would be in the next few seconds. If that CollisionShape2D overlaps the ship, then it would take evasive action.
My asteroid’s own CollisionShape2D is working fine. However the “evasion detection” CollisionShape2D which would have a RectangleShape2D is not.
This is a mockup of what I want to create, where the red rectangle indicates my “evasion detection” CollisionShape2D.
My layers look like this:
However even if I set my CollisionShape2D’s RectangleShape2D with a size (500,500), it still shows in debug mode as just (20 20) with the default position of (0, 0).