Godot Version
I have encountered some weirdness when I try and set my objects global_position which has led to two questions. I have the following two chunks of code for spawning a scene and positioning it in my game which output the scenes global_position and then the instantiated scenes global position:
# Code 1:
print("my global position is " + str(global_position))
var projectile = spawnedWoodChunk.instantiate() as RigidBody3D
var pos: Vector3 = global_position
pos.y = 3.0
projectile.global_position = pos
print("projectile global position is " + str(projectile.global_position))
# Code 1 output:
my global position is (-4.68938, -1, 8.45854)
projectile global position is (0, 0, 0)
The result of code 1 is that my projectile is spawned in a completely unexpected location; some distance from the spawner depending on how close to the origin I am. If I set pos to Vector(0.0, 3.0, 0.0) the spawn location is where I expect.
# Code 2:
print("my global position is " + str(global_position))
var projectile = spawnedWoodChunk.instantiate() as RigidBody3D
projectile.global_position = global_position
projectile.global_position.y = 3.0
print("projectile global position is " + str(projectile.global_position))
# Code 2 output:
my global position is (-4.68938, -1, 8.45854)
projectile global position is (0, 0, 0)
The result of code 2 is that my projectile spawns exactly where I expect; at the location of the spawner with y = 3.
Three questions:
- Why does the second print in both cases print a zero vector and not the vector I assigned to projectile.global_position?
- Why do these two code snippets produce different results in where the projectile is spawned? I can see no functional difference between the two.
- Setting global_position appears to be relative to the object and not actually global as the name suggests. For example if global_position is Vector3(1, 1, 1) and I set the projectiles global_position as Vector3(1, 1, 1) then it’s actual global position seems to become Vector3(2, 2, 2). Is this correct?