Controller walking issue

Godot Version



I’m setting up the walking mechanic so I can use my controller (gamepad) to control it

func _process(delta):
	if (canMove):
		# Left Analog Stick
		var left_horz = Input.get_action_strength("left_stick_right") - Input.get_action_strength("left_stick_left")
		var left_vert = Input.get_action_strength("left_stick_up") - Input.get_action_strength("left_stick_down")
	var velocity = Vector2()
	left_horz = velocity.x += moveDir * movementSpeed
	left_vert = velocity.y += moveDir * movementSpeed
	velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)

But i keep having these issues

Assignment is not allowed inside an expression.

You are trying to assign a vaule to left_horz and vert while at the same time trying to assign a vlue to velocity.x and y. You can’t assign a value to velocity while assigning a value to left_horz.