Godot Version
I’m new to godot and as my first project i’m trying to do a really simple pong type of game, and I’m facing some issues about placement of a ball. Please don’t mind the chaotic code. (It’s not finished yet)
var speed: int
var accel = 30
var dir: Vector2
var screen_size
func _ready():
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size
func _physics_process(delta):
move_and_collide(speed * dir * delta)
func make_ball():
speed = 250
position = Vector2(screen_size.x / 2, screen_size.y / 2)
print("Ball position: ", position) # (576,324)
func random_dir():
var dir_arr = [1,-1]
dir.x = dir_arr.pick_random()
dir.y = dir_arr.pick_random()
dir = dir.normalized()
My issue here is that the ball isn’t spawning at the center of small-windowed game screen (the ball is made with Color Rect). I think that the code has no issues that could cause the ball to spawn outside of game window. It might sound weird but I believe that the Godot itself somehow caused the problem and here’s why: when I was writing script for the paddles I firstly used “clamp”. As a min value, I set 0 (top of the window) and the game was stopping the paddle not at the top of game window, but somewhere in the middle of window.
Whatever the issue is, I have no clue what to do and how to fix it. Please help