Damage animation plays twice in air

Godot Version



So when the player receives damage on the ground the damage animation plays once and it’s great and dandy but if I manage to press jump right before getting hit the damage animation plays twice for some reason!

here’s the video for better understanding of the situation:

my code for the damage:

func _on_damagebox_body_entered(body):
	if body.is_in_group("Fist") and was_dead == false:
		damage = true
		damage_vector = global_position.direction_to(body.global_position)

func player_damage(delta : float):
	if damage == true and fucking_dead == false and was_dead == false:
		current_state = State.Damage
		velocity.x = -damage_vector.x * playa_knockback

func player_animations():
	elif current_state == State.Damage:

func _on_animated_sprite_2d_animation_finished():
	if animated_sprite_2d.animation == "damage_right":
		print('S IT')
		damage = false
		prescream = false

and a code for the takeoff:

func player_jump(delta: float):
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor() and animated_sprite_2d.animation != "prescream" and scromt == false and fucking_dead == false and was_dead == false:
		takeoff = true
		velocity.y = jump_velocity
		current_state = State.Takeoff
	#jump height variety:
	if Input.is_action_just_released("jump") and velocity.y < 0.0:
			velocity.y *= 0.6

func player_falling(delta: float):
	if !is_on_floor() and velocity.y > 0 and !raycast_down.is_colliding():
		was_in_air = true
		velocity.y += gravity * delta * fall_multiplier
		current_state = State.Falling
		velocity.y += gravity * delta

func player_animations():
	elif current_state == State.Falling: #and animated_sprite_2d.animation != "screaming":
	elif current_state == State.Takeoff and takeoff == true:

func _on_animated_sprite_2d_animation_finished():
	if animated_sprite_2d.animation == "takeoff":
		takeoff = false

I am honestly out of my depth here. Also when I want it to print out in debugger 'S IT when the damage animation ends it only prints it out once, even if the animation is played out twice

Have you tried printing something out in the damage function. Maybe it gets called twice and since the damage animation is not finished yet it only fires the finish signal when it is finished completely(on the second time playing the animation).