Godot Version
Godot 4.3 stable mono official (77dcf97d8)
Hello all,
I am very new to game dev and Godot, and I am learning with a 2D platformer.
I am trying to have platforms move horizontaly thoughtout a level, and I want to have the possibility to keep spawing the same platform at regular intervals.
I have created a AnimatableBody2D, with an animation player to set the platform movement.
I have made an Area2D with a collision shape that will act as the trigger to start the platform moving, and with the option to keep spawning the same platform at a set delay.
here is the script for my trigger:
using Godot;
public partial class TriggerPlatformAnim : Area2D
[Export] private AnimatableBody2D platform;
[Export] private bool keepSendingPlatforms = false;
[Export] private float delay = 5.0f;
private Godot.Timer timer;
public override void _Ready()
Connect("body_entered", new Callable(this, "OnBodyEntered"));
timer = new Timer();
timer.WaitTime = delay;
timer.Connect("timeout", new Callable(this, "OnTimerTimeOut"));
public void OnBodyEntered(CharacterBody2D player)
if (keepSendingPlatforms)
Disconnect("body_entered", new Callable(this, "OnBodyEntered"));
private void OnTimerTimeOut()
GD.Print("sending a new platform!");
AnimatableBody2D np = (AnimatableBody2D)platform.Duplicate();
private void StartAnim(AnimatableBody2D animatableBody2D)
var animator = animatableBody2D.GetNode<AnimationPlayer>("AnimationPlayer");
if (animator != null)
GD.Print("starting platform");
So, this module takes a platform as an AnimatableBody2D as a required parameter. This object should have a child which is an AnimationPlayer, with an animation called “move” (as I plan to reuse this script for all kind of platforms).
Optional parameters are keepSendingPlatforms
, and delay
, in case I want to have a repeatable platform.
When I enter the collision area of the trigger, it checks if there is an animation called move
, and it starts it. And if keepSendingPlatforms
is true, a timer will be started.
At the timer timeout, the original platform is duplicated, and animated.
However, when var np = platform.Duplicate();
is executed, and the player is standing on the original platform, the player is sent back to the position it interacted first with the original platform. I don’t know if this is very clear, so here is an example, where you will see what I am talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QSdlt1L5l8 (this is a simplified level to highlight the issue - I am not THAT bad at level design! and sorry for the potato quality)
So I guess there is something I don’t understand about Duplicate(). Would any one have an idea about why this is happening, and what I could do differently to fix the issue?