Godot Version
Im trying to implement custom FBX scene import using EditorImportPlugin class.
I successfully created baseic plugin and initiated import plugin with
add_import_plugin(my_importer_plugin, true)
here is some parts of my fbx scene importer code:
func _get_recognized_extensions() -> PackedStringArray:
return PackedStringArray(["fbx", "Fbx", "FBX"])
func _get_resource_type():
return "PackedScene";
func _get_save_extension():
return "scn"
func _import(source_file, save_path, options, r_platform_variants, r_gen_files):
var base_dir = source_file.get_base_dir();
var material_assigner_extension = extension.new();
var fbx = FBXDocument.new();
var state = FBXState.new();
var path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(source_file)
var status = fbx.append_from_file(path, state, 0, base_dir);
if status != OK:
state.json = get_json(base_dir, state.filename)
var scene = fbx.generate_scene(state, state.get_bake_fps(), false, false);
process_materials(state, base_dir, state.filename);
fbx.write_to_filesystem(scene, save_path)
and here is my extension:
extends GLTFDocumentExtension
func _import_post(gstate: GLTFState, node: Node) -> Error:
return OK
func _import_preflight(state: GLTFState, extensions: PackedStringArray) -> Error:
print_rich("CyKA ZAEBALO")
return OK
The first issue is:
I am no getting any print messages from the extension.
Second issue is:
It looks like the main (embeded) fbx importer initializes no matter what and only after my _import method goes…
Here is my import dock component im getting when picking my custom import schema
The real question is:
How can I manipulate the fbx import process? Especially the material assignment and texture lookup?
Please help. Thanks.
The current process_materials method changes automatically created StandardMaterial3D to a custom ShaderMaterial., it does change it, but in the resulting scene I get the StandardMaterial3D again, so I dont understand either smth overrides the materials again or my fbx.write_to_filesystem simply doesnt work