Enemies spawn in the middle of the screen instead of designated spawn position

Godot Version



I’m building a system for a top down shmup with some Markers2D that takes some data from a .csv and spawns the enemies I want in the Markers2D I want. I like to think of it as if it was a lane system (kind of is actually).

In-gameplay-image, this is how the enemies spawn, x position is right but y isn’t

Up here where the markers are is where the enemies should spawn

Here you can see the enemy has its position zeroed in its original scene so it’s not a matter of having the position offsetted when it spawns

Here is the code I use to spawn the enemies. As you can see, the Markers2D are clearly defined and I specifically tell the enemies to spawn right where they are

Why isn’t it working? Why does my script keep spawning the enemies in the middle of the screen instead of where the markers are? Thank you in advance.

Make sure to paste scripts instead of using screenshots

type or paste code here

Are you returning pos from get_lane(lane)? Do you have any errors?