Hi i have this error if anyone can help i will be thankful i just want to understand why it happens?
this is my script
extends CharacterBody2D
var PlayerBody: CharacterBody2D
var input
@export var speed = 100.0
@export var gravity = 7
#variable for jump
var jump_count = 0
@export var jump_force = 250
@export var max_jump = 2
#State machining
var current_state = player_states.MOVE
enum player_states {MOVE, SWORD, DEAD}
Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
$Sword/Sword_colider.disabled = true
Global.PlayerBody = self
Called every frame. âdeltaâ is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _physics_process(delta):
match current_state:
func movement(delta):
input = Input.get_action_strength(âui_rightâ) - Input.get_action_strength(âui_leftâ)
if input !=0:
if input > 0:
velocity.x += speed * delta
velocity.x = clamp(speed, 100.0, speed)
$Sprite2D.scale.x = 1
$Sword.position.x = 19
if input < 0:
velocity.x -= speed * delta
velocity.x = clamp(-speed, 100.0, -speed)
$Sprite2D.scale.x = -1
$Sword.position.x = -19
if input == 0:
velocity.x = 0
#code for jumping
if is_on_floor():
jump_count = 0
if !is_on_floor():
if velocity.y < 0:
if velocity.y > 0:
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") && is_on_floor() && jump_count < max_jump:
jump_count += 1
velocity.y -= jump_force
velocity.x = input
if !is_on_floor() && Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") && jump_count < max_jump:
jump_count += 1
velocity.y -= jump_force
velocity.x = input
if !is_on_floor() && Input.is_action_just_released("ui_accept") && jump_count < max_jump:
velocity.y = gravity
velocity.x = input
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_Sword"):
current_state = player_states.SWORD
func gravity_force():
velocity.y += gravity
func Sword(delta):
func input_movement(delta):
input = Input.get_action_strength(âui_rightâ) - Input.get_action_strength(âui_leftâ)
if input !=0:
if input > 0:
velocity.x += speed * delta
velocity.x = clamp(speed, 100.0, speed)
if input < 0:
velocity.x -= speed * delta
velocity.x = clamp(-speed, 100.0, -speed)
if input == 0:
velocity.x = 0
func reset_states():
current_state = player_states.MOVE