Godot Version
0 error / scene work i can play but code fog of war is not activate
hello today more complicated problem for me being new to code
I have a Characterbody2D in a scene for settings and I just need to import the Character2D into the game scene I want,
in my dungeon scene I have a
none2D /tilemap/character2D and a 2D sprite (fog of wars)
I have no errors I saved every path every frame the game launches but no area is revealed when I walk in the black area
fog of war code
extends Sprite2D
@export var fog_texture: Texture2D
@export var reveal_radius: int = 100
@export var grid_size: int = 16
var fog_image: Image
var fog_texture_instance: ImageTexture
var reveal_mask: Image
func _ready():
# Initialisation de la texture du brouillard
if fog_texture:
fog_image = fog_texture.get_image().duplicate() # Duplique l'image pour modification
fog_image.convert(Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) # Assurez-vous que le format est correct
fog_texture_instance = ImageTexture.create_from_image(fog_image)
texture = fog_texture_instance
print("Fog initialized with size: ", fog_image.get_size())
push_error("Fog texture is not assigned in the inspector!")
# Chargez la texture de révélation (cercle blanc)
var reveal_mask_path = "res://reveal_map/reveal_map.png"
if FileAccess.file_exists(reveal_mask_path):
reveal_mask = load(reveal_mask_path).get_image()
reveal_mask.convert(Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) # Assurez-vous qu'il correspond au brouillard
print("Reveal mask loaded successfully with size: ", reveal_mask.get_size())
push_error("Reveal mask not found at path: " + reveal_mask_path)
func reveal_at_position(position: Vector2):
if fog_image and reveal_mask:
# Convertir la position du joueur en position dans le brouillard
var grid_position = position / float(grid_size) # Division flottante
var reveal_rect = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, reveal_mask.get_size())
var fog_rect = Rect2(grid_position - Vector2(reveal_mask.get_width() / 2, reveal_mask.get_height() / 2), reveal_mask.get_size())
# Appliquer le masque de révélation sur le brouillard
fog_image.blit_rect(reveal_mask, reveal_rect, fog_rect.position)
# Mettre Ă jour la texture du brouillard
fog_texture_instance = ImageTexture.create_from_image(fog_image)
texture = fog_texture_instance
push_error("Fog image or reveal mask is not initialized!")
code characterbody2D
extends CharacterBody2D
@export var max_health: int = 100
var current_health: int = max_health
const MAX_HEALTH = 5
var health: int = MAX_HEALTH
@export var speed_run: float = 80.0
@export var speed: float = 35.0
@onready var fog: Sprite2D = null
@onready var animation: AnimationPlayer = $AnimationPlayer
func _ready() -> void:
# Initialisation de l'UI
$healthbar.max_value = MAX_HEALTH
# Recherche du fog
var fog_path = "Node2D/fog" # Adaptez ce chemin selon votre hiérarchie
fog = get_tree().get_root().get_node(fog_path)
if fog == null:
push_error("Fog instance is null! Check the node path: " + fog_path)
print("Fog instance loaded successfully.")
func update_health_ui():
func set_health_label():
$healthlabel.text = "Health: %s" % health
func set_health_bar():
$healthbar.value = health
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event.is_action_pressed("damage"):
func damage():
health -= 1
if health < 0:
health = MAX_HEALTH
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# Révéler autour du joueur
if fog:
func handle_input() -> void:
var move_direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down")
velocity = move_direction * speed
# Gestion des animations
func update_animation() -> void:
if velocity.length() == 0:
var direction = "down"
if velocity.x < 0:
direction = "left"
elif velocity.x > 0:
direction = "right"
elif velocity.y < 0:
direction = "up"
animation.play("walk" + direction)
thank you ^^^