FPS arms animation for multiple weapons

Godot 4.2.2

Hey, I’m creating a game in godot and I’m currently trying to learn about some of the things I will be needing to know how to do throughout development, what would be an efficient way to create and import animations into godot and the basic layout of the FPS arms and weapon. I have used blender to create a rigged arms model, along with a rigged weapon. I then used an Ik constraint to bind the hands to the weapon and made some basic actions. However the baking and exporting process is a bit confusing to me at the moment. Is there a better way for me to do this? I have tried baking the actions into the arms model one by one but the process seems a bit inneficient.

I may have interpreted this wrong but as far as i can gather your asking how to export the animations from blender to godot?. If so then animate your rig and export it as gltf as thats the most stable 3d export type for godot at this current time. Once the file is imported in godot drag and drop the file into your scene, you should be able to see it if there was no issues. Then right click thr node and press make children editable, there should be an animationPlayer node with all your animations. Thats basically it you can add an AnimationTree to get more advance control over your animations. Hope this helps if not sorry for wasting your time

Cheers, yeah I realised my question wasn’t worded in the best way, I’ve just about solved my export problem, I’m just going to mess around a bit with different ways of animating, basically I have two separate models, one for arms one for a revolver/other weapons, In blender i have made the hands a child of the weapon object for better animation workflow, the plan is to create the animation actions then bake them into the arms model one by one for each animation then clear the constraints and export it all. Since I’m going to export both objects seperately so I can use a resource to implement different weapons, from what I think, within the engine, I can either make the weapon a child of the fps camera along with the arms, or make the arms a child of the camera and then the weapon a child of the arms(hand bone). However if I do the latter I’ll probably have to eliminate movement from the weapon other than internal parts because it’ll be moving around with the arms instead of the camera.

I think I have solved my own problem haha, in theory at least so I’ll have to test all this. Thanks for the help and let me know if anything I said doesn’t make much sense or wouldn’t work.