Game keeps crashing due to dialogue system

I recently implemented a dialogue system into my 3D game. It works based off a collision attached to my ray cast already on my player. Then it uses masks with other collisions to then say things from the json file.

Code for the Area3D collision set up on multiple objects in my scene.

extends Area3D

@export var dialog_key = ""
var area_active = false

func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	if area_active and event.is_action_pressed("action_interact"):
		SignalBus.emit_signal("display_dialog", dialog_key)

func _on_area_entered(area: Area3D) -> void:
	area_active = true # Replace with function body.

func _on_area_exited(area: Area3D) -> void:
	area_active = false # Replace with function body.

This is the code for the dialogue player itself.

extends CanvasLayer

@export_file("*json") var scene_text_file: String

var scene_text: Dictionary = {}
var selected_text: Array = []
var in_progress: bool = false

@onready var background = $Background
@onready var text_label = $TextLabel

func _ready():
	background.visible = false
	scene_text = load_scene_text()
	SignalBus.connect("display_dialog", Callable(self, "on_display_dialog"))

func load_scene_text():
	if FileAccess.file_exists(scene_text_file):
		var file =, FileAccess.READ)
		var test_json_conv =
		return test_json_conv.get_data()

func show_text():
	text_label.text = selected_text.pop_front()

func next_line():
	if selected_text.size() > 0:

func finish():
	text_label.text = ""
	background.visible = false
	in_progress = false
	get_tree().paused = false
func on_display_dialog(text_key):
	if in_progress:
		get_tree().paused = true
		background.visible = true
		in_progress = true
		selected_text = scene_text[text_key].duplicate()

This is just a script called SignalBus.

extends Node

signal display_dialog(text_key)

Any and all help would be appreciated. Also I can show more stuff if needed.

There may be some questionable practices in here(like checking if file was opened and if scene_text.has(text_key) is true), but a full crash is an internal Godot issue.

Can you setup a breakpoint before and after the dialogue signal and stepping through to see what code causes the crash?

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I did some breakpoints and found that in my code here:

func on_display_dialog(text_key):
	if in_progress:
		get_tree().paused = true
		background.visible = true
		in_progress = true
		selected_text = scene_text[text_key].duplicate()

get_tree().paused = true was pausing my game when I thought it kept crashing. Thanks for the suggestion for breakpoints!

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Ah okay, A crash is typically an exit of the process. If it gets stuck but doesn’t close, you can call that a freeze in general, or a soft-lock, spin-lock or deadlock depending on conditions of the freeze.

This would be a soft-lock

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