Global Position of ColorRect As Child of GridContainer Is Wrong/Unexpected

Godot Version

Godot Engine v4.3


So basically I have a script which extends from a GridContainer that sequentially adds 64 ColorRects as children to form an 8 by 8 grid. The result looks like this:

The problem is that when I try to access the global position of each ColorRect after it’s been added as a child, each ColorRect believes that its global position is the same as the parent GridContainer, i.e. if GridContainer global position is Vector2(-256, -256), then each child’s global position will also be Vector2(-256, -256). Is there a way to prevent the ColorRects from inheriting the GridContainer’s global position? Here is my code:

extends GridContainer

const TILE = preload("res://tile.tscn") # Tile is a class inheriting from ColorRect 

func _ready() -> void:
	const TILE_COUNT: int = 64
	for tile: int in range(TILE_COUNT):
		var new_tile: Tile = TILE.instantiate()

Update: I figured it out, the solution is to use “call_deferred” after the GridContainer is finished adding children. Here’s the code:

extends GridContainer

const TILE = preload("res://tile.tscn") # Tile is a class inheriting from ColorRect 

func _ready() -> void:
	const TILE_COUNT: int = 64
	for tile: int in range(TILE_COUNT):
		var new_tile: Tile = TILE.instantiate()

func calculate_global_positions():
	for tile: Tile in get_children():