Godot 4 shaders - a list of video tutorials

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That’s wild! It’s mindblowing :exploding_head: how you came up with all of these ideas!

Thank you! Sometimes I draw inspiration from Shadertoy, but most of the time I try to combine different basic elements (rotation, fractal Brownian motion, mirroring, trigonometric functions) and play around with parameter settings. Occasionally, something usable comes out of these experiments. :sunglasses:

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This is pretty cool. Is there some randomness to this effect? I am trying to see how it’s done.

Thanks! The entire effect is driven solely by sinusoidal oscillation along the x-axis, which sets the color of the respective horizontal line. However, it should be easy to add some pseudo-random element to it.

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Can you use 2D shaders in 3D games? Of course! In the game I’m working on, I’ve already added two – an animated hexagon grid as a “screensaver” on a computer screen and the current time on an alarm clock next to the bed. And there will be more. :sunglasses:

Snímek obrazovky 2025-01-07 113106

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Thanks for the extensive list! I’ll surely watch these.
Would you mind adding my shader tutorial to the list as well?
Here’s an Introduction To Godot Shaders (demonstrated on a dark mode + contrast shader)
And a detailed tutorial for water distortion shader.



Thank you! This playlist contains only my tutorials. Maybe I’ll create a new one later.

Oh, my bad! I didn’t notice that. 63 tutorial all by yourself is an AMAZING feat! Thanks a lot!

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