Godot directory not recognized 4.4 mono

Godot Version

Godot 4.4 mono


`I changed versions from Godot 4.3 to this new Godot 4.4, Although I have made backups, this error is annoying and persistent

Here is the error, I am using .Net 8 as I keep everything as up to date as possible`

The Error is (IDE0005) Remove unnecessary using directives

Did you try run this in Godot?

IDE0005 is only warning/suggestion not error .

it looks like an error if all of my code is red

your error should be CS0234, CS0246 or similar.
we don’t se any file system ,
errors in terminal/console,
Godot Errors,
Godot compilation,
settings files,

better data you provide, bigger chance someone will help you.
And you don’t answer questions too.

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Your debugger and output is red.

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Here is a complete breakdown of the Code I have to play Sounds when you are walking on a material, I have a string in the blocktype that takes from a primitive type of material. This then checks that and uses Linq, To then play the sound. IDGA* (asterisk as to not make you uncomfortable with curse words) :eye: what you have to say but a code editor cutting a library out, as aposed to a sound error, THAT I PUT IN, Isn’t much of a competition,

  1. You did not answer my querey
  2. You chose to say It wasn’t an error that I was asking
  3. You Brought up a null pointer that wasn’t part of my question
  4. you are debating with me over semantics
  6. Your Job will be taken by AI

Hi, does the command

dotnet build


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What is in the MSBuild tab after building in editor?

Run in the folder where your main dotnet project is or specify which project should be built.

Thank you for helping me on the topic that was asked, It is greatly appreciated

Have you solved the problem?

Try make empty project with single scene with cs script, compile and run it.

We will know know if is problem with your Godot.

You still don’t show output, or problem related behavior.

You have more than one solution?
You have “.godot” folder in main folder?
Your game can run from editor?
Did your try make new solution via Godot?

I not sure why you so interested in my job etc.

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We have noticed that emotions run a bit too high in this post, hence it is unlisted now. Please remember to be kind and refrain from personal attacks in the future.

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