Hello there !
First of all THANK YOU ! I love Godot in all his parts. It is such an amazing tool !
I am so sorry if this message dosn’t belong here, I have no idea where to put it.
I looked in the github repository but didn’t find a forum category.
So I noticed when using rpc, the “@rpc” must be before the “func” declaration. Like this :
func myfunc () :
As I am listing my function with no line in between, I’m using it this way :
@rpc func func1 () :
@rpc func func2 () :
func func3 () :
@rpc ("any peer") func func4 () :
But as shown, is not aligned when sided with non @rpc function and harder to read.
So my demand is the following :
Would it be possible and easy to develop to possibly have it this way :
func myfunc () @rpc :
Thanks you so much for your attention,