Godot won't open VS Code

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.2


I can’t seem to get Godot to open VS Code. When I double click on a script, nothing happens. I followed the tutorial in the docs to a T, including doing the LSP settings. My settings look correct, so I don’t know what’s going on.

From the information provided, it looks correct.

Try verifying that you can in fact run code.cmd at the path your have entered.

Edit: It wouldn’t be the path separator character, right? / vs \ I never know when forward slash is not supported.

code.cmd indeed does pull up vs code. The docs even suggest using code.cmd instead of the exe. I tried switching the separators but nothing changed.

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I noticed when trying to open a script, this error appears in the editor:

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this.

Did you written path manually? Or used folder icon? / \ can depends on sustem or programs.

I tried both, neither seems to work.

I fixed it. I disabled the dotnet settings at the bottom and used the TextEditor settings only.