Help! I Cannot get different Shape instance on different CollisionShape2D

Godot Version

Godot Engine v4.2.2.stable.mono.official.15073afe3
C# version


I want to set different radiu


  • Node2D
    • Area2D
      • CollisionShape2D : {Shape:CircleShape2D}


public override void _Ready()
viewArea = Main.GetChildNode(this, “Area2D”);
GD.Print(“view area:”+viewArea);

viewArea.AreaEntered += (area) => GD.Print(“view area entered:”+area);
CollisionShape2D viewShape = viewArea.GetNode(“CollisionShape2D”);
GD.Print(“view area shape:”+viewShape);
GD.Print(“view area shape inner shape:”+viewShape.Shape);

// return a same CircleShape2D in different Area2D _Ready method
var shape = (CircleShape2D) viewShape.Shape;
shape.Radius = model.viewRange;

question: var shape = (CircleShape2D) viewShape.Shape;
I Cannot get different Shape instance on different CollisionShape2D

view area:<Area2D#28303164645>
view area shape:<CollisionShape2D#28319941853>
view area shape inner shape:<CircleShape2D#-9223372008719383329>
view area:<Area2D#28487714034>
view area shape:<CollisionShape2D#28504491251>
view area shape inner shape:<CircleShape2D#-9223372008719383329>

I got the same Shape:9223372008719383329

please help

If you are trying to achieve a duplication, use the Resource.Duplicate() method.

1 Like

Thank you for your help!

Your reply solved my trouble.
I get a new different CircleShape instance use the Resource.Duplicate() method.
Thank you!

But I don’t know when to use this method.
Because sometimes the instances I get are not public, I can’t tell, which is very troublesome if they all need to be tested.
Whether this is a bug?

Use the same shape when you’re not going to modify it, duplicate before use when you’re going to change it to prevent affecting other code that are using this shape.

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