Help with areas and instantiation

In my game, I have an enemy that’s root is a characterbody2d that looks like this mockup here:

please take note that i already have the enemy a in group.

I got two questions:
When I add the enemy to the scene through code, it automatically adds the enemy to a group called: “_root_canvas2615635083264”.
when the character first enters the tree, for some reason the characterbody2d root triggers the signal body_entered(), is there a way to make an area ignore its parent?

Your help is much appreciated, and thank you in advance

You could change the collision layer / collision mask for the characterbody and the area. It’s a good idea to filter colllisions with an if statement eitherway.

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by just changing the collision layers, that fixed the second issue.
I’m wondering if my first issue isn’t actually anything now.

I’m not sure if I need it for this project since I’m using groups, but could you tell me what you mean about filtering collisions with an if statement?

The body_entered signal emits what entered it, the body part of this function:

func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void:

You can use an if statement to only run code if the condition is met, sort of like a filter for what “body” runs what code. There are a number of conditions to use, I like checking the class of body with is.

func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void:
    if body is Player:

I just tried that, but unfortunately it won’t work for my project, that uses .is_in_group(). Thank you for your help

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