Help with trying to make VHS shader look good

Godot Version



Hello once again,

I got my PSX shader and CRT shader working and looking good! The last thing I need is my VHS shader. I found this which looked really good (looks similar to puppet combo). This is kind of a nit picky thing of me but I want the VHS effect to look like the one that is on the gif of this shader:
Tried to adjust the settings as best as I can to match this gif, but it seems like it is using a different RGBA noise texture that I can’t find.

Any help would be appreciated!

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I also ran into this problem thinking it was a noise issue. Just use the default noise texture and try setting crease_noise to 2 or something.

I made this one
Also you can try to make your own noise patterns using Krita
I just created a new document (The dimensions do not matter but I used 1024x1024 px and 2048x2048 px), painted everything in dark gray, used the filter>other>random noise option in the top bar, adjust it to what I wanted, put some white random lines and export the image
I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but I wish you luck with your project!