Hide/remove tween error "Target object freed before starting"

Godot Version



i’m using tweens to animate moving objects. The object is shot, dies and goes away. It’s all good. But the Debugger log gets flooded with the error “start: Target object freed before starting, aborting Tweener.” i get the complaint but this is expected behavior (it’s dead!). And while it doesn’t hurt anything (game still runs fine), lots of errors makes me anxious. It offends my coder sense of aesthetics.

Is there a way to suppress this error message?

The code, by the way, looks like this:

func rotate_anim(start: float, end: float, time_length_s: float, should_loop: bool):
	var tween = create_tween()
	if should_loop:
	tween.tween_property(sprite, "rotation_degrees", end, time_length_s).from(start)
	if should_loop:
		tween.tween_property(sprite, "rotation_degrees", start, time_length_s).from(end)

It means the object is already deleted or queue freed from the scene, maybe by codes, if possible show the full codes.