High video memory usage with simple textures

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


I have a JPG background that I want to add into my game. It is 753 KB, but Godot struggles when rendering it, and it says that the singular image is taking up 46 MB of video memory.

When playing the game, the background causes low FPS, and lags the game a lot. (I have a RTX 3060, so this shouldn’t be normal)

Thanks for your help.

Share your scene structure and show how you’re using this image, also any scripts that spawn or manipulate that image.



Related part of Boot.gd that makes the background visible:

@onready var desktopBackground = $"Desktop Background"


	desktopBackground.visible = true
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.7).timeout


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Check out my post for more details, How to add sprawling backgrounds without stutter? - #3 by pin-elbow

but basically consider exporting the image at 72DPI as your MiB number is pretty high