My game without a save file will run perfectly fine, until my player dies, when my player dies, the game crashes with the error below, and if I try to run the game again, it will crash at the main menu with the same error, unless I destroy my save file, then it will be able to run normally again until the player dies (main menu is the main scene)
this used to work fine before I encrypted it, so it might be a obvious mistake.
I used these tutorials:
tutorial part 1
tutorial part 2
My game crashes with this error
Main menu script:
extends Control
@export_file("*.tscn") var level: String
var In_level: bool = false
var highscore:int = 0
var death_menu = preload("res://All scenes/Death menu.tscn")
func _ready():
if not FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
func save():
var save_dict = {
"highscore" = 10
return save_dict
func save_highscore():
var saved_highscore = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.WRITE, "wadyodo")
var json_string = JSON.stringify(save())
func Set_highscore():
$Highscore.text = str("highscore: ", highscore)
func load_data():
if not FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
var saved_highscore = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.READ, "wadyodo")
if FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
while saved_highscore.get_position() < saved_highscore.get_length(): #erro8r on this line
var json_string = saved_highscore.get_line()
var json =
var parse_result = json.parse(json_string)
var node_data = json.get_data()
for i in node_data["highscore"]:
highscore = node_data["highscore"]
func _on_start_game_button_pressed():
if not In_level:
In_level = true
func _on_quitgame_pressed():
game/level/world tree node script:
extends Node2D
var score = 0
var highscore = 0
func _ready():
var player = get_node("Player")
player.connect("player_died", on_player_death)
func on_player_death():
score = $Player.points
var saved_highscore = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.WRITE, "wadyodo")
if score > highscore:
func save():
var save_dict = {
"highscore" = score
return save_dict
func save_highscore():
var saved_highscore = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.WRITE, "wadyodo")
var json_string = JSON.stringify(save())
func load_data():
if not FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
var saved_highscore = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.READ, "wadyodo")
if FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
while saved_highscore.get_position() < saved_highscore.get_length(): #erro8r on this line
var json_string = saved_highscore.get_line()
var json =
var parse_result = json.parse(json_string)
var node_data = json.get_data()
for i in node_data["highscore"]:
highscore = node_data["highscore"]
btw: I will almost definitely not respond immediately