Godot Version
With this, this is not letting the tween animation to occur, it does when I remove ‘target = hookable’ but does not do the specifc coditions for the if statements for the 2 different points that can be extended to, as noted within the process function. What I would like is to allow for the tween animation to occur whilst it still allows for the 2 different conditions for hooking onto the 2 different types of points.
extends Line2D
class_name Hook
signal finished_hooking
const hook_speed := 2250
@onready var hook_end: Marker2D = $HookEnd
var target: HookablePointBase = null
var target_pos = Vector2.ZERO
var reachable = true
var reached_hook: bool = false
var climb_ended: bool = false
func shoot_towards(hookable: HookablePointBase, hook_range: float):
target = hookable # Assign the hookable point
target_pos = hookable.global_position
var tween: Tween = get_tree().create_tween()
var distance := global_position.distance_to(target_pos)
if distance > hook_range:
var diff_vector = target_pos - global_position
target_pos = global_position + diff_vector.limit_length(hook_range)
reachable = false
tween.tween_property(hook_end, 'global_position', target_pos, distance / hook_speed)
func _process(_delta):
if target != null and is_instance_valid(target):
# Check if the target is a FallHookablePoint
if target is FallHookablePoint:
# Dynamic code for FallHookablePoint
hook_end.global_position = target.global_position
elif target is HookablePoint:
# Static code for HookablePoint
hook_end.global_position = target_pos
if global_position.distance_to(target_pos) <= 25:
climb_ended = true
# Fallback for when no valid target exists
if reached_hook:
hook_end.global_position = target_pos
# Update the visual position of the hook
set_point_position(1, hook_end.position)
func hook_callback():
reached_hook = true
var climbing = Input.is_action_pressed("hook")
var hook_dir = (get_point_position(1) - get_point_position(0)).normalized()
var hook_length = abs(get_point_position(0).distance_to(get_point_position(1)))
finished_hooking.emit(reachable, hook_dir, hook_length, climbing)