How can I detect Area2d with TileMap?

Godot Version

Godot 4


I want my Area2d to disapear when its touch the Tilemap

Use the on_body_entered method. The tilemap is considered a body

Already try that one but still not working

Are the collision-mask and collision-layer set up correctly?

Idk the collision mask and layer from tile map is 1 and from area is also 1.

And the tiles of the tileset have collision?

Yes they have

So tiles have collision, tileset collision-layer is set to 1 and area2d collision-mask is set to 1 and area2d body_entered-signal is connected but doesnt emit?

Yeaa idk whyy

Okay if this is all true what you are saying then i would need to see an example of whats happening. Can you show the body_entered-method?

extends TileMap

@onready var apple = $“…/Apple”

func _on_apple_area_entered(area):
apple.animation = “Splash”
await get_tree().create_timer(0.2).timeout


And it doesnt print “enter” when they collide?

nope its doesnt

can you make a screenshot of your area2d-scene with the collision-property open?

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Theres no signal connection-symbol. click on “Node” on the right side

oh that when i click connect i cant connect it to the tilemap script

you only need to connect it to the apple script. And put this code in the apple-script:

func _on_body_entered(body):
    animated_sprite.animation = “Splash”
    await get_tree().create_timer(0.2).timeout
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its still not working. my apple scene is not in the game scene so i cant connect the apple scene with the tilemap script. and if i add the apple to the game scene the game dont work

You dont need to connect it to the tilemap-script. Connect the area2d.body_entered-signal to the Apple-script in the apple-scene