I followed the GD extension tutorial. It worked, but I wanted to use some functions from the boost library. I added boost as a submodule to my project inside the addons folder.
I needed to add the following code to my Scons file.
# Allow exception handling
# Function to find all Boost include paths
def find_boost_include_paths(base_path):
include_paths = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
if 'include' in dirs:
include_paths.append(os.path.join(root, 'include'))
return include_paths
# Base path for Boost headers
boost_base_dir = "addons/boost/libs"
# Find and add all Boost include paths
boost_include_paths = find_boost_include_paths(boost_base_dir)
My file structure was something like this after using boost as a git submodule. So a single rule wouldn’t be sufficient for boost.
I wanted to do a similar thing but with boost::asio to make an UDP server. I didn’t wanted to clone boost repo, but even after that - the OP’s solution didn’t work for me as I had errors in Godot editor: undefined symbol: _ZN5boost15throw_exceptionERKSt9exceptionRKNS_15source_locationE
I managed to fix this by using system provided boost and adding the following lines to SConstruct file:
Hey, I had those problems too some time later. I was originally just using functions in the boost graph library and my coding and test loop was fine. But when I tried to use some other library, compile failed again with include not found. The change was to check if ‘include’ is in dirs and then add header files. I also had the same fexception error you did some hours later, but that was much harder to debug. I’ve added in my updated Sconstruct file in the answer post, with a note mentioning you.