You need to be a bit more specific with your idea. What exactly do you want to be procedurally generated if the room is square? Just randomising objects in the scene might be easier and get you your desired result.
If these are not connected by hallways then how are these connected?
What I want procedurally generated is the order of the rooms, not the rooms themselves. What I mean is how to make a couple of rooms and have them randomly connect with each other. So that when you leave a room you enter another, like in Isaac
In that case, you can create rooms as scenes, put them all in an Array, shuffle the array at the start of the game, and when you’re about to enter a new room, you just pick a next room from the array.
Let me know in case you have troubles implementing any of this.
Thanks for the scenes tip, but I was also asking about how do I do the dungeon generation, since the tutorials I’ve seen are made for dungeons with corridors which I don’t want