Godot Version
Godot 4.2.1
How do I toggle between two animations playing while keeping them synchronized?
Okay. Let’s say that I have two animation players that both have an animation of the same length. How can I keep them synchronized while playing them. Also, how can I toggle between the animations playing while keeping them synchronized?
The reason why I’m asking this question is because I want to create a first person shooter than both a view model and a world model for an optional third person mode. I know it’s possible in Godot because I saw another indie dev do it in this video:
I did ask the dev about in the comment section and they said they used two animation players but, I didn’t want to ask for more details on how they did it. I can image myself coming up with a quick and dirty solution to implementing the feature but, I want to know what’s the the “proper”/optimal way to do it.